(Not applicable to Nursery Section)
Marks distribution for the Academic Session is as follows:-
Attendance - 5 marks
Class Participation - 5 marks
Unit Test - 20 marks
Terminal Exam - 70 marks
- A student has to put in at least 75% of the attendance during the year to become eligible for promotion.
- Student absent from an examination/test will not be re-examined.
- For promotion to the next class a student must secure 35% in aggregate and pass in English. It is necessary to pass the examination in order to clear a class.
- Students suffering from an infectious disease will not be permitted to sit in an exam/test.
- It is at the discretion of the Principal to grant/refuse promotion.
- Use of unfair means during tests or examination will lead to cancellation of the entire paper and may lead to a student being asked to leave the school.